Whenever I speak with people about KISAE, many are intrigued by the name – ‘what does it mean?’, they ask, and ‘why is it relevant to a power electronics company?’ The answer is simple.
When we started the company it became apparent that the choice of name needed to be synonymous with our vision and serve as a rallying point for all our employees and channel partners. From the start, we wanted to focus on providing people simple solutions to their power needs. Therefore, Simple became our natural starting point.
The letters of the word K-I-S-A-E are an acronym for “Keep It Simple Alternative Energy” and encapsulates our core purpose. It’s focus is to help you, the consumer, appreciate the simple benefits of an incredible technology that can be easily assimilated into daily life by anyone. This one word guides us in how we go about realizing our Vision. It even helps us make decisions on a daily basis – from product development, to interacting with our customers and suppliers, to answering our phone calls and emails. In everything we do we look to keep it simple. And if it doesn’t accomplish this then it doesn’t stay.
The “Alternative Energy” aspect of the KISAE name is twofold – to provide alternative power product solutions to benefit people who wish to use non-utility based power sources in their work or leisure applications (work trucks, boats, and motorhomes to name just a few), OR to maintain access to power (with a back-up power system) whenever the grid fails – during storms or outages.
But how does “Keep It Simple” take shape at KISAE. To answer this, let’s look at the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Principle:
The “keep it simple stupid” (KISS) principle is a design rule that states that systems perform best when they have simple designs rather than complex ones. KISS is not meant to imply stupidity. On the contrary, it is usually associated with intelligent systems that may be misconstrued as stupid because of their simplistic design. The KISS Principle hinders and/or prevents creeping featurism, system failover and other IT issues.
This definition suits KISAE perfectly. As a company, we know very well that our products involve intricate designs filled with electronic components and the need to meet governing regulatory standards that are in the interest of user-safety. Our goal is to create products that, for all of their design complexity, are SIMPLE to install, use, and service.
How are we doing at keeping it simple? Our products are now well-established in global markets. We have thousands of satisfied customers in over 40 countries who have found our products to be just what we set out to achieve – a simple solution.
Earlier this year, we launched our new website, www.kisaepower.com, with the design goal to make it too reflect our purpose by making it cleaner, clearer, and easier to navigate to the information you want and need. In the website Downloads section, we’ve placed not only product specifications and product manuals, but also system diagrams and application information that will assist you in choosing the right KISAE product and understand how that product works within the power system you are creating. But we’re not done. In the months ahead we plan on bringing out even more valuable (yet simple) content in the form of installation and usage videos, testimonials, and useful information tied to specific markets.
We invite you to follow us as we continue this journey to liberate our customers from reliance on the energy grid and enhancing their work and leisure lives. Let us know your experience with our company and products, and how we can continue benefitting you into the future. Simply stated, we’ll use this feedback to improve and create even more innovative, yet simple solutions to benefit your life.